Monday, 1 October 2012

First day at Wow

This is the first of many blogs that I hope to be posting as Wow's new Writer in residence. It's the first time that Wow has appointed a writer in residence and I'm thrilled to have been selected.  I'm really looking forward to getting out and about around Liverpool and hopefully inspiring people to pick up a pen and start writing. I've been teaching creative writing in Liverpool for ten years now at The Spider Project and we've uncovered some real talent there.  Part of my job as WIR involves setting up writing workshops and over the next few months I'm sure that these workshops will uncover even more. I'm also going to be blogging about the writing process.  In 2011 I won the Writing on the Wall's Pulp Idol competition.  A competition that I can thoroughly recommend. I'd been working on the novel for years in a slightly haphazard fashion, but winning the competition really spurred me on to complete it. I'm chuffed to say that I finally finished work on the first draft in August, (I love saying that!). Over the next few months I'm going to be re-drafting it and sending it out to publishers and agents. I'm planning to blog about this process too, which will hopefully provide an insight into the difficult business of getting your first novel published. Or I might go down the internet route and self publish!  Haven't decided yet...  We'll have to see what happens. Either way it's an exciting business and I'm looking forward to getting my work out there. If you've got a novel that you're burning to publish or you would like to begin one - or you just want to start writing, keep checking the WOW website as we'll be setting up writing workshops in the next few months. I'm really keen to establish links between writers, as I know how difficult it is when you're stuck at home writing alone. Anyway keep checking the website and we'll keep you posted!

Paula Currie

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