Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Pulp Idol finalist John Donoghue

A few weeks back we had a visit from author John Donoghue, who brought us a copy of his debut novel 'The Death's Head Chess Club'.

John came along to also say thanks to WoW, as it was as a direct result of him being published in Pulp idol Firsts 2010 that he got an agent, which led to his novel being published by Atlantic Books.

John says, 'I really do feel that, to a great extent, I owe this to Pulp Idol. My agent (Carolyn Whitaker from London Independent Books) contacted me after seeing the anthology of the finalists' first chapters. It was she who managed to get me in front of a highly respected editor, Ravi Mirchandani, leading to the subsequent book deal.'

The Book has just sold to America and is being translated for Norway, Poland, Italy, Greece, China and Brazil. It's an incredible tribute to the success of our Pulp Idol novel writing competition.

From the 2010 Pulp Idol final alone, three writers have had their debut novel published by mainstream publishers; the other two are Deborah Morgan (disappearing home) and James Rice (Alice and the Fly). We'll be holding a launch and celebration for John's novel when it comes out in paperback later this year.

Well done and good luck to John, a great achievement and a brilliant success story.

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